Larry Dix, a titan of entrepreneurship, has carved an extraordinary path from humble roots in a small Texas town to towering success at 60. His story is a testament to grit, determination, and unwavering perseverance in the face of adversity.

Starting as a yard dog at just 18, Larry navigated the turbulent waters of the S&L Crisis and embraced the challenges of the sales world, swiftly climbing the ladder to manage a truss plant by age 27. But his journey was far from over. In 2000, Larry took a bold leap into entrepreneurship, founding APEX with the guiding principle to always "Do What's Right."

Rooted in the lessons from his resilient mother and perseverant father, Larry's ethos propelled him to new heights, earning him the prestigious title of "Manager of the Year" and inspiring countless others along the way.

Today, Larry is not only a successful entrepreneur but also a beacon of inspiration and mentorship. His latest venture, the "Born or Made" podcast and accompanying book, dives deep into the heart of entrepreneurship, exploring the age-old debate through Larry's unique perspective and insightful interviews with top business minds.

But Larry's influence extends beyond the boardroom. As an entrepreneur and life enthusiast, he races cars, raises beef cattle on his farm, and dabbles in real estate. He's passionate about fitness, nutrition, and pushing his limits through marathons, cold plunges, and saunas.

Through his podcast, book, and personal endeavors, Larry strives to inspire others to live their best lives and be their best selves. His story is a reminder that success is not just about wealth and status but about staying true to oneself and making a positive impact on the world. In a realm where many aspire to greatness, Larry Dix stands tall as a true Entrepreneur – a living testament to the idea that success is both born of inherent qualities and forged through life's fiery trials.